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Will builders charge more because I have a high budget?

Is your land worth a lot of money? IS your build high end? Is your planned project luxurious and high value? Just because you have money, you don’t need to waste it or pay over the odds to others. Build Fresh project managers assist you to plan your project clearly from the start and create a fitting budget to align what you would like to spend with a scope that includes all of your must-haves.

Once we have created a clear brief and budget with you, we look at a variety of Architects that align to your scope, expectations and style and we negotiate a fair engagement to work collaboratively with Build Fresh and yourself to exceed your expectations.  At every stage of the project, we refer back to the original budget to ensure it remains aligned and if it doesn’t, we then work with you to explore options of reassessing budget or scope.

Every consultant is hand picked by Build Fresh for your project and referred back to your original budget brief and this is ramped up to full control when sourcing and selecting builders’ interest in your project.  During the build there may be additional costs and variations of the contract price but these are managed and controlled by our watchful eye.

Having your own Project Manager source, negotiate and oversee every aspect of your construction from Architect selection, all plans and permits and Builder selection and then the extra mile to over see the entire build is a game changer!

Speak to Build Fresh today to see how we can achieve high end success for a fair and reasonable project cost.